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Amazing fact you might not know about eyes

Amazing facts about Human eye

➤Our eyes work as a camera, capture the light and send it to the brain. our eyes look but our brain sees.
➤Seeing is such a big part of everyday life that it requires about half of the brain to get involved.
➤A study shows that 80% of our memories are determined by what we see.

➤One eyeball weighs 7.5 grams.

Different type and colour of human eye

➤Human eyes can see up to the range of 200 degrees.
➤The eyes colour can be black, brown, grey, blue, red, violet.
➤Human eyes can identify more than 10 million of colours.
➤Due to some genetic mutation, some women can see 100 million colours.
➤The world’s most common eye colour is brown.
➤Due to the sensitivity of the optic nerve eye transplants are currently impossible.
➤You can't sneeze with your open eyes. just try once.

most active mucles in Human body

➤The most active muscles in the human body are eye muscles.
➤Our eyes produce less tear as we got older.
➤Everyone has one eye that is slightly stronger than the other.

➤The eye is the fastest muscle in your body – blinking of eyes is one of the fastest activity.
➤You see things upside down - it is your brain which turns the image the right way up. newborn babies see all thing upside down i.e. inverted image

working of human eye

➤The only cells that survive from the time you are born until death are in your eyes
➤Eyelashes have an average lifespan of five months
➤While it takes some time for most parts of your body to warm up to their full potential, your eyes are on their “A-game” 24/7
➤your eye can also get sunburn
➤Smoking reduces your night vision

effect of smoke on human eye

➤While a fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, an iris has 256. This is why retina scans are increasingly being used for security purposes
➤the human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels. an i phone 6 camera has megapixels

➤People generally read 25% slower on screen than on paper.

Reading habbit of human eye on screen

➤When you read or stare at a computer, you blink less often resulting in tire eyes.
➤Human eyes are capable of seeing a candle flame from a distance of 14 miles provided all environmental conditions are perfect.

capacity of human eye

➤Eyes are the second most complex organ after the brain.
➤our eye is made up of 2 million parts
➤Newborns don’t produce tears. They make crying sounds, but the tears don’t start flowing until they are about 4-13 weeks old. as their tear gland develop after their birth
➤All babies are colour blind at birth

Babies are colour blind

➤Your eyeballs stay the same size from birth to death, while your nose and ears continue to grow.
➤newborn babies see the whole world in white and black just after their birth

 Some Fact About Animals Eyes

➤A shark's cornea is used in human eye surgery, as it is the most similar to the human cornea.
➤Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
➤The largest eye on the planet belongs to the Colossal Squid, and measures around 27cm across.
➤Owls are the only bird which can see the colour blue.A worm has no eyes at all.
➤Dogs can’t distinguish between red and green.
➤Goats have rectangular pupils to give them a wide field of vision.
➤Owls cannot move their eyeballs – which has led to the distinctive way they turn their heads almost all the way around
➤An ostriches eye is bigger than its brain.

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