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How to Reduce JavaScript execution Time

Reduce JavaScript execution Time

JavaScript has become very popular these days it is an integral part of practically every webpage, mobile app, and web-based software. JavaScript’s client-side scripting capabilities can make applications more dynamic and engaging,. Consequently, poorly written JavaScript can make it difficult to ensure a consistent experience for all users. And unfortunately, you have to make a big deal in order to use these features. You must sometime have to rely on heavy JavaScript libraries and that can add extra kilobits to your pages.

As a result, your blog starts to take time in order to load your web pages and almost every one of us hates, a slow loading site, and this can affect your site’s SEO, as well as reduce your traffic as slow loading page irritate visitor.
So, if you have analyzed your blog using Google PageSpeed Insights (and if not check it now) and found this issue. Then Don’t Worry! I will help you through this guide to turn your red score into the green . and make your webpage load faster and increase your page loading time

Reduce JavaScript execution Time

 Did you know about different score shown in google speed insights

In Google PageSpeed Insights if your site speed is between:-

The scores that you see at the top of your Lighthouse report represent the page's score for that particular category.
  • 0 to 49 - Red Signal, which means that your site loads slow.
  • 50 to 89 - Orange Signal, which means that your site has average speed, and
  • 90 to 100 Green Signal and that means your blog load fast.
to know more about it read this
You can solve this issue by simply replacing code in your HTML

How to Solve JavaScript execution Time in Google Page Speed Insights

Follow these pretty simple steps

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger blog and select Template then Theme and click on Edit HTML.
Reduce JavaScript execution Time

Step 2. Now press Ctrl+F from your keyboard to open a search box and search

Reduce JavaScript execution

Step 3. Now replace that jQuery script with the below script.

<script id='script-batch' type='text/javascript'> (function(d){ var js = d.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); js.async = true; js.defer = true; js.src = &quot;;; d.getElementsByTagName(&#39;head&#39;)[0].appendChild(js); }(document)); </script>

Step 4. Now save your template

Now, go back to Google PageSpeed Insights or and check once more. I am sure your blog’s page speed has increased, right!

Also try this:- How to Add "Lazy loader for Images in blogger" [blogspopt], and boost your page speed

I hope your blog has successfully acquired the green signal in the test and if this small tutorial has helped you in any way. Then, do us a favor by sharing this post on social networking 

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  1. After writing the above code,Menu is not showing

    1. can you share yours website address so that i can check the error!


    3. I think your website not using Structured Data thats why this occur, now a day every template using this. Why you not try some different template like shouter template

    4. Is their any way to use in this template

  2. This code does not work in many template as it blocks the menu and search from appearing on first visit of user in many templates that do not use schema so it should not be used

  3. Thank you for the code please see it work @


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